Brinda Comunicación y Marketing is a Communication, Marketing and Sales consulting agency. Brinda HealthCare is our Medical & Health specialized division. We have been working side by side for 15 years with the Pharmaceutical Industry, Scientific, Patients and Professional Associations...
High level strategical consulting focused in healthcare professionals and patients. Your digital development will be effective, efficient and safe.
We shape your ideas in style. Our high-impact messages show innovation and creativity through online and offline channels. We set no limits to our imagination!
Brinda provides the best audiovisual support for all your projects. Innovating formats, state-of-the-art technique and endless quality audiovisual solutions.
We create high quality, multi-format, multi-channel medical and scientific contents since 2004. Per client tailored, top value and relevant content. Our team puts the accent in quality and scientific rigor.
We write papers for their publication at national and international journals.
Our clients' communication needs are covered with a vast variety of formats.
We are a multidisciplinar team with an excellence and creative spirit, fully dedicated to bring you solutions to all your marketing and communication needs.
We are specialized in the healthcare sector, and all our contents and formats are based in scientific rigor and innovation. 15 years at your service.
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